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Sapa Damai Yonif 6 Marinir Habema Teduhkan Hati Warga Keikey


Sapa Damai Yonif 6 Marinir Habema Teduhkan Hati Warga Keikey

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MEDIAINVESTIGASIMABES.CO.ID | Keikey Yahukimo, PenKoopsHabema – Satuan Tugas Batalyon Infanteri (Satgas Yonif) 6 Marinir, bagian dari Komando Operasi TNI (KOOPS TNI) HABEMA, secara aktif melaksanakan tugas Operasi Pengamanan Perbatasan (Opspamtas) Mobil RI-PNG, khususnya di wilayah Kabupaten Yahukimo, Provinsi Papua Pegunungan. Pada hari Sabtu, 29 Juni 2024, di sela-sela tugas pengamanan wilayah, Satgas Yonif 6 Marinir menyempatkan diri menyapa warga di Kampung Keikey, Distrik Dekai, sebagai implementasi kegiatan Teritorial bertajuk “SAPA DAMAI PAPUA”.

Program “Sapa Damai Papua” merupakan salah satu program unggulan Komandan Satgas Yonif 6 Marinir, Letkol Mar Rismanto Manurung. Kreativitas dalam mewujudkan situasi Papua yang aman dan damai merupakan hal utama yang terus dilakukan oleh Satgas Yonif 6 Marinir. Dengan program unggulan tersebut, maka para Prajurit Baret Ungu di wilayah Kampung Keikey memanfaatkan waktu pelaksanaan patroli dengan memberikan Sapa Damai kepada para warga yang dijumpai di sepanjang lokasi patroli.

Dengan tetap mengedepankan aspek pengamanan, Tim Patroli Satgas Yonif 6 Marinir berjabat tangan dan berdialog dengan para warga yang ditemui selama pelaksanaan patroli di Kampung Keikey. Ternyata kreativitas positif tersebut, disambut hangat oleh para warga. Merespon antusiasme warga, maka Tim Patroli Satgas Yonif 6 Marinir secara sopan berkomunikasi dengan para warga. Bapak Damingus Busup, yang sehari-hari menjabat sebagai Staf Distrik Dekai, sempat berkata kepada salah satu Prajurit Tim Patroli Satgas Yonif 6 Marinir, “Terima kasih Bapak Tentara yang sudah menyapa kami. Hati kami teduh melihat Prajurit TNI di Papua.”

“Kreativitas Satgas Yonif 6 Marinir menggelar Program Sapa Damai di Kampung Keikey, merupakan bentuk kepedulian TNI dalam mendukung upaya percepatan pembangunan di wilayah Papua”, ungkap Panglima KOOPS HABEMA, Brigjen TNI Lucky Avianto, pasca menerima laporan pelaksanaan kegiatan.







Dansatgas Media KOOPS HABEMA, Letkol Arh Yogi Nugroho

Peaceful Greetings OF The Habema Marines Calmed THE Hearts OF Keikey Residents

Keikey Yahukimo, PenKoopsHabema – The Task Forces of the Infantry Battalion 6 Marines, part of the Indonesian Armed Forces Operational Command (KOOPS TNI) HABEMA, is currently carrying out the mobile security at the border of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, especially in the Yahukimo Regency area, Papua Pegunungan Province. On Saturday, 29 June 2024, in the middle of security patrol, the Marines Task Forces took the time to greet residents in the Keikey Village, Dekai District, as an implementation of the territorial program entitled “GREETING PEACE TO PAPUA”.

The “Greeting Peace to Papua” program is one of the priority programs of the Marines Task Forces Commander, Lt. Col. Rismanto Manurung. Creativity in providing a safe and peaceful situation in Papua is the top priority that the Task Forces continues to do. With this program, the Purple Beret Soldiers in the Keikey Village took advantage of their patrol by Greeting Peace to the local people they met along the patrol way.

While still prioritizing the security aspect, the Task Forces Patrol Team shook hands and dialogued with the local people they met in the Keikey Village. It turned out that this creativity was warmly welcomed by the people. Responding to the enthusiasm of the residents, the Patrol Team politely communicated with them. Mr. Damingus Busup, who serves as one of the Dekai District Staffs on a daily basis, said to one of the Soldiers, “Thank you, Bapak Tentara (Soldier), for greeting us. Our hearts are calm to see the TNI Soldiers in Papua.”

“The creativity of the Soldiers of the 6 Marine Task Forces to hold the Peace Greeting Program in Keikey Village is a form of TNI concern in supporting efforts to accelerate development in the Papua region,” said the Commander of KOOPS HABEMA, Brigadier General TNI Lucky Avianto, after receiving the activity implementation report.

“The initiative of the Soldiers of the 6 Marine Task Forces to provide the “Greeting Peace to Papua” program in Keikey Village is a form of TNI’s concern in supporting efforts to accelerate development in the Papua region,” said the HABEMA Commanding General, Brigadier General Lucky Avianto, upon receiving the program report.







Dansatgas Media KOOPS HABEMA, Letkol Arh Yogi Nugroho


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